söndag 1 februari 2015

Can a middle-aged woman have an active sex life?

Of course I can! I am "only" 54, but I enjoy sex, and now I dare testing my limits.

I don’t care so much about other people’s opinion any more, though I am not too obvious about the things I do.

After a three year dry spell, partly because I didn’t feel too well, I have since last summer started practicing the best of sports again. It is never a competition for me though, but a mutual cooperation that, when you find the right partner, gives you wonderful sensations.

I have some sex toys. Now and then I will talk about them and tell you how I like them, and why.
I will also talk about other things when they come up (oops!)

Prudes, or those who don’t like sex, or those that don’t like women over 50 enjoying their sexual potential, or are religious fanatics of one kind or another, can stop reading here.
I will write as I please and not respect your feelings.

What is moral for one person is not moral for another. I never want to hurt anyone, if I can avoid it. People have many kinds of sex outside of their “normal relation” or within, for that matter. I would never judge anyone who has relations that does not suit me, why do they want to judge me?

A book I found on a web site:
The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy

I haven’t read it yet, but I look forward to.

A slut is according to the authors: “a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you”.

If that is so, I am a slut, in the best sense of the word. 

I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures as much as I did having them. 

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