fredag 6 februari 2015

My awakening

This summer, when I met Ola Norrman, my 300-km man, my favorite lover, for the first time, I met him “only” as old Travian friends. We were together with two other Travianists, a man and a woman that had found each other through Travian.

We had all been honest, had let our hair down, so to speak, on Skype, so the uncertainties that normally exists when you never had met in real life before never occurred. I knew about the other’s problems and their reasons for happiness. They knew mine. We were totally relaxed and natural from the minute we met.

Once, Ola and I went for an errand together, to give the two love birds an hour alone, if they would like to have some fun in private. Since we both hoped they would use the time we gave them in the best way, that is, to have sex, the top subject for our conversation of course was sex. He told me of his situation and I told him of mine. None of us mentioned the possibility for us to try each other. But before we reached our first stop I was sogging wet.

Later the same day I had a chance for some mischief, when the others couldn’t see, and bit him a little in his neck. He at once got a catch in his voice, so I knew my maneuver had had effect. Later, in the bubble pool, we sat with erotic fantasies about each other, but no one of us said a word about it.

The only time I touched him, apart from the neck bite, was when I gave him massage on his bad leg. Nothing erotic whatsoever, and my hands were never above his knee. In spite of that, I became almost beside myself with hornyness, and he told me later that he became hard.

The next day we celebrated the other woman’s birthday, one day early, since I was going home on her real birthday, the day after. We had a boat ride, with a steam boat, and during the day I had attacks of hornyness, thinking about having sex with him.

During that day, Ola and I had a few fast talks, when the others were out of hearing, and agreed on us seeing again, as soon as possible, to see if we could have some fun together.

After bed time, the other woman and her partner had a little private birthday celebration. Their bedroom were between Ola’s and mine, and we could both hear what they were doing.
While they were at it, I got a sms from him. He invited me to his bedroom, but I declined. It didn’t feel totally right, thinking of the other two. Stupid? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

The next afternoon I was going home, the other three were leaving the next day. The couple stayed behind to clean up the cabin, and Ola drove me to the train.

We left a bit late, so the trip on the small roads to Dals Ed was fast. We talked sex on the way, and I felt briefly on his hardness, but not too much. The speed was high, as I said, and I didn’t want to end up in the ditch, or worse. When we arrived, the train hadn’t come to the platform, and we stepped out of the car and took out my luggage.

Then I turned towards him and we kissed for the first time ever. The enormous hunger we both felt at once came as a lightning bolt. It was pure luck we only had seconds to kiss, or I don’t know what would have happened. I would probably have thrown myself then and there on my back on the hood of the car with my legs spread wide.

The train arrived to the platform and I had to run. My legs were like boiled spaghetti, so it was not easy.

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